Myths About Dental Care

There is a lot of great information about dental care. However, some of the information that is being shared is not true. There are a lot of myths surrounding dental care.

Myth: You Need to Brush Your Teeth Right After Every Meal

Fact: Many people think that the best way to prevent tooth decay and remove leftover food is to brush right after a meal. However, it is a good idea to wait 30 to 60 minutes before brushing your teeth. Saliva helps naturally remove food and bacteria from your teeth. Your mouth becomes more acidic after you eat. This can soften your enamel. Therefore, if you brush too soon, then you will strip away your enamel.

Myth: Baby Teeth are not Important

Fact: Baby teeth are important because they hold a place for the permanent teeth. Baby teeth that are not cared for properly will develop cavities. Tooth decay can also affect the gums. Additionally, cavities are painful.

Top Dentists recommend that babies go to the dentist after their first tooth comes in. A local dentist can teach your children healthy habits that will last a lifetime.

Myth: Bleaching is Bad for Your Teeth

Fact: At-home whitening products typically have between 3 to 10 percent hydrogen peroxide. Dentists use whitening products have between 15 to 38 percent hydrogen peroxide. These substances strip pigmentation away from the enamel. However, they do not weaken your teeth.